911 Tribute - A Song For America By America
The Voice of 50 Artists from all 50 States:

MoonSound Studios conceives and brings original large scale music projects to life, from concept to completion. Such a project was a history making first, with the “COLORS” project. This 50 song production featured an artist from every single state in the USA performing their own version of a song written by Christopher Moon commemorating the 911 attacks on America.
Moon wrote the lyrics for colors and then began the arduous year long process of finding an independent recording artist from EVERY state in America to record and perform the song, The only direction they were given was they must use these lyrics but they can create music in any style or genre.
As printed on the back of the original triple CD set:
For the first time in music history, and as a message of American unity, COLORS is a song for America produced in 50 different versions, by 50 different artist representing every U.S. state. “We wanted this project to reflect the vast diversity of the people across this country, and to be a message from Americans … to Americans,” said Christopher Moon - developer of the “COLORS” project.
The MoonSound Studios multi-artist project resulted in fifty diverse musical and vocal interpretations with music styles ranging from Rock, Country, Pop, Folk, Jazz and includes Spanish and other ethnic versions. “No one has ever undertaken a project of this type before, due to its complexity.
Only the enormous commitment of each artist involved, and his or her passion for this country, made this project possible. Additionally, every participating artist donated his or her own talent, time and studio expenses without profit to them. This is truly a project "by the people … for the people.”
C. MOON MN. VERSION OF COLORS (featuring Cynthia Johnson who sang "Funkytown" and other top local singers):

THE ARTISTS ( FULL LIST): Triple CD Set (Red, White & Blue CD's)
1- MN - Chris Moon* (with John "JR" Rivers)
2 - AL - ReBelle
3 - UT - Russ Eastland
4 - NJ - John Murphy
5 - TN - MiddleChild
6 - MI - Boss Jam/David Conover with DSJ
7 - OR - Kinzel & Hyde
8 - HI - The American Minks
9 - MS - Jose Daniel (Spanish)
10 - PA - The UnderHills
11 - AK - Colleen Coadic
12 - OH - Kalydosos & Natalie Jochim
13 - NV - Nigel George
14 - IL - Strait Southern
15 - TX - Circo / Betty Tomboulian
16 - MA - Phil Vincent
17 - AR - Darren Novotny & Russell Dorch
1 - CT - The Silent Groove
2 - FL - Four Star daydream
3 - IN - Tony Whoa
4 - DE - Gina Degnars
5 - NH - Weed Inc.
6 - VT - Chad Hollister
7 - CA - Dave "Biscuit" Miller
8 - WV - High Rize Band
9 - AZ - Chris Alcarez
10 - ME - Mike Willette
11 - VA - Julian Owens/Shaun Pezant
12 - CO - Planet Baby Monkey
13 - WA - Stuart Wyatt & Natalie Simmons
14 - NY - Johnny Geib
15 - OK - The Oscars
16 - WI - GTO
1 - SC - PCou
2 - SD - Jeff Klein
3 - NM - The Band That Saved The World
4 - KY - Lorretta Cooper
5 - NE - Fizzle Like A Flood
6 - MT - Rockford
7 - ND - Ed E Moore
8 - ID - Terra Sonus
9 - KS - Symbiant 10 -
IO - Matt Barr
11 - MO - Roxanne Redd
12 - RI - Kari Tieger
13 - GA - Dusk
14 - WY - Damian Trujillo
15 - MD - 427 Overdrive
16 - LA - db willie
17 - NC - Tara*
The following artists generously donated their time and talents to the creation of the Minnesota version. John "JR" Rivers, Matt Fink, Jearlyn Steele, Mark Lickteig, Cynthia Johnson, John Richardson, Pamela McNeill and Luke Williamson.
Music is the ultimate weapon against violence and “COLORS” was the ultimate vehicle to deliver a message to the terrorists while also giving voice to the American people. Never before has such a music project been undertaken and I am deeply moved to be a part of this historic first.”
Kalydosos – Ohio
WEED Inc., joined “The Colors Project” because we were energized by the artistic unity born from creating a song simultaneously with our brother and sister artists all across America. We are honored to be included in this amazing project, and feel like we are part of a unique and defining moment in human history.
Leo Ganley, Tim McCoy, Norm Fuller – WEED Inc. – New Hampshire
I am honored to be a part of such a truly unique and inspirational project! The music of many others has had positive effect on my life for many years, ”COLORS” has given me the opportunity to try and return the favor!
John Murphy – New Jersey
I feel that “Colors” is a great opportunity to comfort the hearts of Americans using my musical talents.
Nigel George – Nevada
I am proud to be a part of a song expressing the joy of the diversity of our people and our strength to continue in the face of adversity. I am looking forward to the day when all the people of the world feel as one.
Roxanne Redd – Missouri
I joined “The Colors Project” because music is the native tongue of the soul. It transcends ethnic background, social-economic status, and religious bias. The “Colors” project is an important step towards rebuilding our country¹s emotional and spiritual strength.
Oliver Thompson -Terra Sonus – Idaho
I joined “The Colors Project” because I wanted to be part of something larger than myself and to make a statement about peace and solidarity as we pick up the pieces and move on, in the wake of September 11th, 2001. I expressly chose musicians under the age of 20, who have their entire lives before them, because what’s at stake here is the future of our whole world.
Kari Tieger – Rhode Island
I read the lyrics several hundred times, I arranged the music a dozen different ways and then I let God take control and used the voice to carry the words. I am glad Chris Moon felt inspired, in a way inspires me also. Good Job Chris.
Damian Trujillo Sheridan, Wyoming
I joined the Colors Project because I was enthused with the idea of a Muti-Artist, same day release. I think this song expresses the Voice of the American People and how they WILL NOT stand by and have their FREEDOM taken away. God Bless The USA.
Jose Daniel, Mississippi
An inspirational, heartfelt project tinned with a viable songwriting challege. We are so excited to be part of this essence of unity and accomplishment. Well worth the time and resources we were able to donate to this great cause.
Dave Rossi – Pennsylvania
The 9/11 tragedy reminds us of the sanctity of our culture and the luxury of our liberty by showing us that they are not absolute, rather, they are things made real only by our duty to them, our love and respect for them and our willingness to defend them.
Matt Barr, Iowa
I joined The Colors Project because it shows the world, in no uncertain terms, that what makes this country strong is the ultimate unity of all its various races, sects, creeds, and colors. And there is no more brilliant or meaningful way to re-affirm this unity than through the universal language of music.
Paul Coulianos, South Carolina
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Christopher Moon for the “COLORS” project. The concept of uniting bands across America with one set of lyrics and the chance to interpret his lyrics into our own musical voice not only shows care and respect for our Country but it also shows the diversity of music in our homeland.
The Silent Groove, Connecticut
This was the most satisfying project I’ve ever been involved with. The events of 9/11 have changed everyone and to bring the whole country together with 1 song was a master stroke. United we stand, together we will heal. Chris Moon is a genius!!!
Phil Vincent, Maryland
I joined “The Colors Project” because it was so bold, so fresh, so ingenious… so quintessentially American… that I thought it my civic duty to participate and to give my best.
Dusk Wilson-Weaver, Georgia
(c) 2012, Christopher Moon
(In remembrance of the Sept. 11 Attacks)
Undivided, one nation under God we come together when times get hard
we the people, stand together strong … so for America, we wrote this song:
From the farmlands filled with wheat to the cops out on the beat
from the beaches to the mountains from the country to the street
United we all stand, we the people of the land
defending every inch and standing hand in hand.
Our colors are many, they add up to one
These colors might bleed, but these colors won’t run.
Red is for the hero’s blood that’s fallen on this land
the brave, the young, the old, the ones who firmly took a stand
the few that made the difference when the difference meant it all
the ones that never hesitated answering the call.
White is for the torch at night they carried on the field
to those that would oppose the freedoms we would never yield
and white is for the ray of hope we never let burn out
our faith will always conquer and triumph over doubt
And blue is for the brighter day our children all will see
when colors all just look the same and there’s equality
and blue is for the heavens that is home to those we lost
the ones who sacrificed it all, the ones who paid the cost.
Our colors are many, they add up to one
These colors might bleed, but these colors won’t run.
No, we ain’t gonna take it, take it lying down, we’re ready and we’re watching in every single town
even if you tiptoe we will hear the sound, with a hundred thousand eyes you can run but you’ll be found.
Our colors are many, they add up to one
These colors might bleed, but these colors won’t run.